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32060StageQ™ & STAGEone™ Polyester 48" Fabric Stage Skirt - Blackhttps://www.eventdecordirect.com/catalog/stageq-stageone-polyester-48-fabric-stage-skirt-black-p-32060.html?osCsid=n9cq5asj3j3fm8mh71f4hbjdpthttps://static.eventdecordirect.com/images/PROX-XSQ-SKIRT48-StageQ-STAGEone-Polyester-48-in-Fabric-Stage-Skirt-Black-01.jpgInStock206.99USDFlooring & Stages/Stages/ProX Stages/ProX Stage AccessoriesEvent Decor DirectMeasures 48" in height and 8 ft. in length and is the perfect piece to give your StageQ!™ portable staging a complete and professional look.
Use with XSQ-4X8 MK2269.992024-11-07PROX-XSQ-SKIRT48